If you are currently using software to simplify the way you sell online, you may want to consider whether it can keep up with the continuously changing demands and trends in the way businesses reach out to their customers. If you find that your existing software is outdated, consider integrating it with an advanced platform like SAP ecommerce. This way, you can implement an omnichannel platform that can empower your business to deliver a personalized and contextual shopping experience to every customer, no matter what platform they use. Here are three of the most notable benefits of software integration using SAP ecommerce:
- Connect anywhere – SAP ecommerce lets you reach out to your customers online and through their mobile devices. The platform lets you connect with your customers through social media too. Using data-driven customization, you can establish a cost-effective way to fulfill and manage orders, manage your inventory in real-time, and take advantage of other solutions that will make it easier to establish and run omnichannel sales. You can also access the platform anywhere.
- Easy data management – Since SAP ecommerce lets you run your business on multiple channels, it lets you gain a unified view of your products, customers, and other crucial activities in a centralized hub, which is also designed for customer engagement. This way, you can provide business users with a better and intuitive way to access comprehensive and consistent information from a single platform. SAP ecommerce may improve responsiveness as it consolidates data in a single location, while enabling a business-focused approach to data management. It helps reduce product launch cycle times, reduces costs, and streamlines operations.
- Revenue management and subscription billing –The platform lets you exploit market opportunities by enabling a quicker way to change partner revenue-sharing and customer pricing models. Likewise, it lets you create customer-centric subscription offers and enhances your visibility. Use SAP ecommerce to boost efficiency to deliver minimal TCO and integrate an order-to-cash process.